Individual Therapy Referral Form - Confidential Information

About Mental Health Social Work and Art Therapy at Pelican Arts

Clients may ask a professional to complete this form or they may complete it themselves.

Pelican Arts is located in Mildura, Victoria, and run by Professionally Registered Art Therapist and Accredited Mental Health Social Worker Kate Cotching. We provide one to one art therapy and Mental Health Social work for individuals, adults and children over seven years of age.

Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy where you can use art  materials to improve mental health and address emotional difficulties, the art therapist works with the participant to identify and work towards  therapeutic goals that go beyond relaxation and enjoyment. 

Mental Health Social Work uses a range of strategies to support people experiencing mental health issues, At Pelican Arts Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are used art materials and processes are often employed to enhance the impact of these psychological strategies.

We invite participants to come to therapy prepared to bring to mind their thoughts, feelings, relationships past experiences and hopes/fears for the future when attending art therapy.

Pelican Arts charges $170 per hour for art therapy,  sessions usually run for one hour at the Pelican Arts Studio in Mildura. We may offer a reduced fee for people who are experiencing financial hardship. The gap fee for Mental Health Social Work when accessed through the Better Access Initative is $84. We may offer a reduced fee for people who are experiencing financial hardship. 

Art therapy at Pelican Arts is provided by Kate Cotching MFA, BSW, MMH (Art Therapy), (AThR) (AMHSW). Kate is a Professionally  Registered Art Therapist with the Australian New Zealand Asia Creative Arts Therapy Association (ANZACATA), Kate's Professional Membership ANZACATA number is 04961415. She is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker registered with the Australian Association of Social Workers. 

There is currently a waitlist at Pelican Arts, completing this form will automatically add your details to the waitlist on our files, if you would like to speak to us over the phone before completing the form please contact Kate

Contact Details 

Phone  0410 772 058.



Client Details

Primary Contact

Please include relationship to client if applicable

Referral Information

Note - People whose sole reason for wanting to come to art therapy is to learn an art skill may find attending a quality art class more beneficial and cost-effective. If you would like information on some local arts programs please contact us via email and we can send you links to businesses and organisations that we think are worth trying.
If the person is accessing therapy through their NDIS plan please specify NDIS Goals
Please provide information if the person is under 12 years old or if they are unable or unlikely to give accurate information themselves.

Do the challenges disrupt the individual's daily life in the following aspects?

Pelican Arts is unable to provide immediate crisis support and we may have a wait list. We recommend that in addition to this referral you explore the following supports

If the person is in immediate danger call  000  andstay with them until they are safe.

Call  KidsHelpline on  180055 1800 (for young people up to the age of 25)

Call the  SuicideCall Back Service on  1300659 467 (for people over the age of 15)

Helpful information can be found on Supportinga child who is thinking of suicide | Kids Helpline

and Advice,support and resources - Suicide Call Back Service for people over15.

Confidentiality, Equality and Complaints


We keep clients name and contact details on their consumer record. Other details  such as case notes, care plans and information about the services received and low-resolution images of artworks are recorded in a secure file each visit. Information can only be seen by the professionals in this service involved in their care.

Any artwork created   is considered a confidential part of therapy,  Other people involved in their care should respect client confidentiality and not request to view or photograph artwork.

We only release  information about a client if they agree or if required by law , such as in a medical emergency or if we believe someone may be at risk of serious harm.

Equality and Child safety

PelicanArts values the  contribution that  all people make to society regardless  of their background. If you think you are being ignored, made to feel uncomfortable or discriminated against because of your age, gender, sexuality, culture,  religion or abilities please bring it to our attention so we can address the issue.

PelicanArts believes all children  should be  safe, happy, and empowered . We are committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early. The safety  of children  and young people is everyone’s responsibility.

Complaints and suggestions

It is important to us that we provide the best service possible to our clients and we will always listen to you no matter how big or small the problem is. You can  speak with  us directly, through a support person, in writing, or you can ask for a complaints form . We will try to keep you informed about what we are doing about your suggestion or problem and may ask for more feedback from you. You also have the right to  make a  formal complaint to  the ANZACATA, the Mental Health Complaints Commissioner in your state or the NDIS. 

Referrer details

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